

Dear friends and family,

This summer, from September 3rd through the 18th, I will have the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus in the Philippines. This trip is a long time coming for me and I am very thankful that I have been given the opportunity. When the possibility of me going overseas became a reality, I was overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy and shame because only once or twice in my 15 years of knowing Jesus have I ever gone out of my way to communicate my faith with someone who did not share it.

Despite these feelings, God had other plans for me, and in hindsight I am encouraged and convinced that Proverbs 16:9 is true as it states, “The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” This is when I was presented with the idea of being a part of a discipleship program with the Navigator’s ministry that emphasized honing the ability possessed by all Christians to, “Know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same.” After some prayer it was obvious that this is the direction God was leading me. It was during this 8-week program that I was encouraged to share my faith. I found this very motivating.

This summer while in the Philippines, the mission will be the same as what I have already been doing at OSU. I want to know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same. We will be in the Sampaloc District of Manila which contains 28 universities in a 4-mile radius. The goal is to connect and share the Gospel with students and invite them to an evangelistic outreach event towards the end of our stay. I, along with others from the team will be putting on a concert at this event along with smaller worship events throughout the 2 weeks we are there.

I would like to invite you to partner with me by praying for the college students in the Philippines. Pray that there would be an interest and eagerness for the Gospel. Also, please be praying for my team from SWBIBLE and the growing church in Manila that will ultimately be responsible for shepherding the ones that are changed through our ministry there. In addition to prayer, I would like to ask for your partnership financially. I need to raise $1400 before leaving in September, I am confident that God will provide everything I need in order to go. Thank you all so much for the impact you have had in my life and I am grateful to partner with you on this exciting journey.


— Aaron


  • Pray that I would have courage and boldness when approaching and talking to strangers about the Gospel

  • Pray that the team would be unified and spurred on by our common mission.


Learn more about the team, where we are going, and what we are doing. 


Take a look at the blog for specific prayer requests and updates about the trip.



Give online through Pushpay. For Fund choose "Missions" and input "Aaron Phil" in the Memo. All donations are tax-deductible. 



Make checks payable to "Southwest Bible Church" and write "Aaron Phil" in the memo. You can either drop the check off at the church or mail it in. All donations are tax-deductible.

Southwest Bible Church 

14605 SW Weir Rd.

Beaverton, OR 97007
