
Total Raised - East Africa 2024
$0 $2,700

I grew up in Costa Rica and lived in an area , a remote tropical jungle, where the people did not have a translation of the Bible in their own language (Bribri)

 For 18 years, I learned what trusting God means when you are scared of the dark, large bugs, snakes, and flooding ( of which there were lots in that hot, humid region I lived in) I learned that God is in control! I called out to him when I was scared many times for peace, healing, and comfort.

 Living in another country, different from where my parents had come from meant I rarely spent time with my extended family. My parents explained to me God’s word which says, “ And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. Matthew 19:29

 I look forward to seeing God provide in the future as He has been there in the past and present.



  • Pray for the long-term global outreach workers we will serve

  • Pray for the hearts of those who will potentially hear the gospel

  • Pray for the logistics and our team as we prepare

  • Pray that our team will have unity in Christ





Make checks payable to "Southwest Bible Church" and write "Christina East Africa" in the memo. You can either drop the check off at SWBIBLE or mail it in. All donations are tax-deductible.

Southwest Bible Church 

14605 SW Weir Rd.

Beaverton, OR 97007
