



Philippines 2024
$0 $2,000


I’m so grateful to be helping lead this trip to the Philippines in August! In 2018, I had the opportunity to go to the Philippines for the first time with a team from SWBIBLE. To say I’m excited to be returning to this area and partnering again with the local churches is an understatement.

Photo from 2018

Over the past year, I have been serving with our 1824 ministry and discipling many young people to grow to know and love Jesus with everything they have. It’s such a joy to see some of them step forward to live out their faith in another culture and be challenged in it by going on this trip. God has put discipleship and evangelism on my heart a lot these past few of years. I have been convicted that my time and gifts are not my own, and that I need to have open hands for how the Lord wants to use me. I’m so grateful for this next step of strengthening my own relationship with Him and ultimately furthering His Kingdom.

Please join me in praying for those who we will minister to on this trip. Pray that the Lord would soften their hearts to receive the Gospel, and that He would give our team the ability to share Jesus clearly & boldly. Thank you so much in advance for partnering with us in this way!


pray for The Philippines

- Pray for boldness as we share the Good News of the Gospel

- Pray for the hearts of those who will hear the Gospel to be open.

- Pray for our team unity, logistics, and health as we prepare for this trip.

- Pray for the churches we are partnering with that they would be encouraged by our visit and have great follow-up opportunities after we leave.

- Pray that the Lord would use this trip in my life to grow me in my relationship with Him.





Make checks payable to "Southwest Bible Church" and write "Philippines - Erin" in the memo. You can either drop the check off at SWBIBLE or mail it in. All donations are tax-deductible.

Southwest Bible Church 

14605 SW Weir Rd.

Beaverton, OR 97007
