


I’ve been invited to join a team from SWBIBLE traveling to Manila, Philippines this September. We will be sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with college and high school age students and their families through campus evangelism, outreach concerts, and support for multiple local churches in Manila who are close partners with SWBIBLE. The Manila University Belt, an area containing 28 schools within a 4-mile radius, offers a unique location through which to reach a significant number of students with the gospel. 85% of Filipinos are Roman Catholic—many of them only in a cultural sense—so even though they recognize the name of Jesus, many have never known the free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus as their personal Savior. It’s our goal to share this message with a large number of people and connect them with local churches.

There are two ways you can support me toward this trip. First, please pray for me. As James 5:16 says, “The effective prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much.” Only the Lord can move people’s hearts, and prayer is a major force in that effort.

Secondly, please consider financially supporting me. If you are willing to give toward the expenses of airfare, lodging, supplies, and resources for the local churches in Manila, please check out the giving options below. All contributions will go directly toward trip expenses. Thank you for your support, and I can’t wait to see how God will work through our efforts!

— Isaac


  • Pray that God would prepare my heart as I prepare myself mentally and spiritually for this trip

  • Pray for boldness as I practice sharing the Gospel at home and abroad

  • Pray that God would be opening hearts even now in the Philippines

  • Pray for students in the Philippines (over 2.5 million in 1,800 tertiary colleges and universities) and that they would be receptive of the Gospel

  • Pray for the churches we are parterning with in Manila

  • Pray for our team as we prepare and train


Learn more about the team, where we are going, and what we are doing. 


Take a look at the blog for specific prayer requests and updates about the trip.



Give online through Pushpay. For Fund choose "Missions" and input "Isaac Phil" in the Memo. All donations are tax-deductible. 



Make checks payable to "Southwest Bible Church" and write "Isaac Phil" in the memo. You can either drop the check off at the church or mail it in. All donations are tax-deductible.

Southwest Bible Church 

14605 SW Weir Rd.

Beaverton, OR 97007
