Farm & Village Visit in Baco

Sept 4 | Written by Patrick Janzen

On Wednesday, we had an exciting day ahead of us. We spent the day at a farm owned by one of Pastor Cesar’s friends. We knew it was going to be pretty rainy and muddy so we stopped by a market and bought some knock-off crocs to wear around the farm.

We drove to Baco and met Pastor Danny and his wife Badette. We met Marlou and Rochelle who are the owners, and they gave us a tour of their property. We got to ride on a cart pulled by one of their caraboa, walked through their banana forest, ate some calamansi fruit & string beans, and Marlou showed us how they harvest them. We walked to their pepper and okra field. I climbed up a papaya tree, and most of us got to have fun using our machetes to cut down old banana trees. It sliced through like butter. Haha. Their farm was so beautiful! Views of the mountain, the valley and the river! Wow, God is so good!

Marlou showed us around some more and saw a guyabano tree. He showed Ethan, Casimir and I how to cut down a banana tree, and we got to chop it down! Took a few swings, but we got it!

Then Marlou and I climbed up a rambutan tree and picked some fresh rambutans that we got to eat. So delicious! He also showed us the process of transplanting the calamansi, how they grow them, and it was just so cool to get to experience how life in the Philippines as a farmer would be. Such an eye opener. I loved every part of it.

Afterwards we got to sit with Pastor Danny, Badette, some of the farm hands, and Marlou and Rochelle in their village. We sang some worship songs, talked about life here at the farm, and they cut open some fresh coconuts for us to eat and drink!

Right before we left, we got to pray with them and encourage them in their weekly Bible studies and monthly seminars that Pastor Danny teaches.

Such an amazing experience overall, and I definitely hope to someday go back and visit them.

Patrick Janzen